Jewel (Black Tan Chihuahua)

When I first held Jewel in my hand as a two-month-old puppy, I know I have to take her. There is something with this puppy that immediately drew me to her. It is indeed true that there are times that you get attached to a dog and you would not let go. The reason behind such attachment is very difficult to explain. A dog has some kind of allure that makes them endearing to us. Jewel is one such puppy that I just have to give a forever home.

Jewel always wants to be the center of attention. She would do everything to get near me to be petted. Every time I get home,  Jewel together with my other dogs would be jumping and barking showing how excited they are to see me. But I can see how Jewel makes every effort to be carried and hugged first! She feels jealous each time I would carry and hugged my other Chihuahuas. I think she wants my attention all to herself.

Jewel also has that habit of guarding and not sharing the food meant for all my Chihuahuas. What she would do is guard the two bowls containing food. It is only Gem (my other pet Chihuahua) who can employ the necessary resistance deterring her from doing such an act. At this time, I noticed that she only guards the small bowl with the food and allows my other pets to eat in the bigger bowl.

I recall the time when Jewel was trapped on the part of a makeshift enclosure I made to temporarily hold my pets. Instead of trying to escape, I saw her just wagging her tail waiting to be rescued. She did not make any effort to get out of the enclosure. I think Jewel has been there for several hours. When Jewel wags her tail, it is as if she is smiling waiting to be picked up and hugged. This is what is great about her,  she can convey what she feels in her very own special way. No words needed to do that.

With the joy that dogs bring to our lives, it is always relevant to ask - what did we do deserve them? Dogs are the most loyal companion we can ever have. Through thick and thin, they would always be there for us. They will remain loyal and protective of their owners without any form of discrimination. They do not care whether their owner is rich or poor! They will not leave as long as they are given love and the care they need.


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